Saturday, November 1, 2008

NaBloPoMo--Let the Relentless Posting Begin

Today is the first day of NaBloPoMo, or National Blog Posting Month. Originally I thought I might sign up for NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month, but I just couldn't think of anything novelish to write about. However, I did think that being forced to write something -- anything -- every day for 30 days would be a good thing. So here we go ... 30 days of mindless blathering about nothing significant.

My thanks to the fine folks at for the nice little graphic.

Say hello to my little friend: Lord Bufo (Bufo americanus, American toad). We have three of these guys or gals living with us.

I love this little guy. He always looks vaguely irritated and unhappy that I've spotted him. However, he will begrudgingly let me touch his little tummy, where it bulges out at the sides. I think he's so round and happy because he's been eating our monster crop of slugs. Before he and his buddies moved in, we had slugs all over the place, leaving their trails of snot all criss-crossed over our screen door and having sex while dangling from a long strand of snot from our trashcan lid. (I do have to say that slug sex is fascinating in a truly disgusting way. But I'll let you check for it on YouTube rather than try to explain it.)

Winter is lurking right around the corner, and it's time for Lord Bufo to curl up and go to sleep. I'm thinking that Santa might just bring our little guy something special: a toad house. No more rocks and piles of yard debris for him. My little guys deserve the best!

1 comment:

  1. Hiya! I'm a fellow NaBloPoMo knitter, and I just came by to check out your blog and wish you well with the post-a-day business. I'm a professional writer, as well!
