Showing posts with label Stitches East. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stitches East. Show all posts

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Official Stitches Haul

As promised (to myself, I guess), here's the official photo of my Stitches haul, which represents:
Please note that both Woolstock and Newton seem to be having identity crises. I notice that the names on the receipts don't match the names on their sites. Attention to detail is important folks. (See? Copy QC is all about picking up things like this. Maybe I should get in touch with them and see if they'd like a writing consult ... hmmm.) Nonetheless, the links are correct.

I don't know why, but attendees were forbidden from taking photos anywhere on The Market floor. I wasn't 100 percent sure that photos weren't kosher until the announcer said so. Hmm. I'm sure they have their reasons, but I'm curious about what those reasons are.

I'm whooped, so it's time to plant myself in my knitting nest and keep working on the first sleeve of my February Lady sweater.

Back from Stitches ... and Lots to Do

One of the things I really missed, when comparing Stitches to the Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival, was being able to see beautiful animals, such as this one. Just look at that face! There's a face that just begs to be loved.

Stitches was awesome! Any kind of yarn and every kind of yarn was there: wool, cotton, sea cell, soy, silk, Quiviut (sp? it's from musk oxen and is mind-bendingly soft), cashmere, alpaca (take another look at that cute face), and more. If you were after patterns or books about knitting, crochet, felting, or weaving, Stitches is the place to go. And there are jewelry (shawl and sweater pins and "sticks"), needles and hooks, bags and baskets, and even more.

After my first trip through the market, I was excited. After my second trip through the market, I was feeling tired, but still good. After my third trip through the market, I was on total sensory overload and had to actually leave the room and sit for 30 minutes until it was time to get on the bus. By the time I got home, I was on autopilot and spent the evening winding a hank of yarn that was bigger than my head (heck, it was bigger than my butt!) into balls and watching Total Drama Island reruns with Skimbleshanks and Buddha Boy. I thought about posting but just didn't have the energy to think. Truly.

Stitches was wonderful, and I'm glad I went. However, I think that, for me, MS&W is a better fit for me, since it has fiber, yarn, and animals. I also got a tip that Sunday was the best day to go, because the festival-going people usually go on Saturday, but Sunday was when the true fiberistas are there and have plenty of room for themselves and their bags of stash enhancement.

So, there's my recap of yesterday, and I'm counting this post as a double one (yesterday and today) as far as NaBloPoMo goes. I have loads of work today, and it's already quarter of 12. Here's my list:
  • Read the comics. (done)
  • Talk with my brother about next weekend's trip to IKEA. (done)
  • Rebandage Annie's paw. (done -- she sliced up part of one pad, and the vet had to finish by cutting the flappage off [ugh!])
  • Report on yesterday's events. (done, but I haven't photographed my loot yet -- maybe later, and maybe I'll post those pics later, too ... maybe)
  • Watch two-part DVD program. "Simply Breastfeeding"
  • Write review of DVD program and post on Type-A Mom.
  • Write and post my weekly article on Type-A Mom.
  • Forward my resume to my friend. (no, I don't care who knows that I'm doing this -- in these times and in this economy, you need to watch out for yourself, you know?)
  • Pack away the summer clothes.
  • Bring out the winter clothes.
  • Excavate the mess in the room where I'm writing this to find the remote. It's here somewhere, and I need to be in control of the TV.
  • Repack my messenger bag and purse.
  • Rake leaves into the so-called garden.

As you can see, I have just a few things to attend to. Heck, it took me 5 minutes just typing the list! Is the saying "no rest for the wicked" or "no rest for the weary"? I suppose it doesn't really matter since I pretty much fit into both categories ... especially when I have so much to do!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Off to Stitches

OK, so this picture is from the Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival, not Stitches. However, it is a picture of yarn, so it'll work for this post.

Stitches East tomorrow! Two buses full of people who enjoy high-fiber diets (lame play on words, I realize) will be schlepping down to Baltimore. I've dumped out my purse and messenger bag and repacked the latter in readiness, but, as usual, I've overpacked. At least I realize why my shoulders and back ache while I carry those two things back and forth to work each day. Dang, what a packrat!

Skimbleshanks and Buddha Boy will accompany SpecialEd to an appointment at the mechanic's tomorrow morning while I'm gone. I believe that the bribe or payment for their patience will be found at Best Buy on the way home. Today was report card day, and both boys did very well. Compared to last year's so-called efforts, this marking period's results were nothing short of stellar. While I don't condone payment of actual greenbacks for good grades, neither do I see anything wrong with recognizing a good job, well done and rewarding the boys for their efforts. In fact, Skimbleshanks has been receiving tutoring in Algebra 2, just to keep up with the demanding pace. This is some tough stuff for an 8th grader, and I'm really proud of him for making the effort and not giving up.

Back to fiber ... I imagine that I'll be a bit lightheaded from all the wool fumes tomorrow when I get back tomorrow evening. Will let you know just how awesome it was. This will be my first and probably last Stitches, since the event is moving to Connecticut next year, and the next closest location [OK, note to self: don't post to blog late at night when you're tired. Turns out that "location" was the last word I wrote. Duh!] ... will be Atlanta. Not that I wouldn't love to visit Atlanta, but I don't think our budget would look favorably at plane tickets to an event where I'd just end up spending even more money. Oh well...

Monday, November 3, 2008

Countdown to Stitches East

In just five days I'll be headed south to Stitches East in Baltimore. My LYS, Stitches with Style, is hosting a road trip, and I'm pretty jazzed that I'm not going to have to drive. It's not that bad a drive, but the steering wheel would probably get in the way of my knitting on the return trip.

I don't have an actual budget and I don't have a specific shopping list. I suspect that this is a bad idea. I have the feeling that once I walk through the convention center's doors and smell the wool and see the colors and textures, I'm pretty much going to be in a daze.

However, I'll be in good company, as loads of fellow Ravelers plan to be there. We'll be having a meetup at noon, and it'll be pretty neat to put faces to names (Ravelry and "real-world"). It's going to be a blast. I'll be proudly wearing my Red Hen Ravelry pin, so look for me and say hi. If you have to wave your arms in front of my eyes or snap your fingers to bring me 'round, that's fine by me.